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Es imperativo que los lugares de trabajo industriales den prioridad a la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo. Debido a que las fábricas, plantas industriales y otros lugares de trabajo de alto riesgo tienen muchos peligros laborales, las empresas deben asegurarse de que sus empleados tengan las herramientas y la capacitación para mantener un entorno de trabajo seguro.

La Administración de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional (OSHA, por sus siglas en inglés) es parte del Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos que garantiza la seguridad y la salud de los empleados al establecer y hacer cumplir las normas, además de brindar capacitación, divulgación, información y apoyo.

En TRADESAFE , cada producto está hecho de materiales de primera calidad, diseñado con precisión para que sea fácil de usar y construido para cumplir con los estándares de OSHA. Nuestra colección incluye absorbentes, estaciones de lavado de ojos, dispositivos y suministros de bloqueo y etiquetado, y letreros. Mantén tu comercio seguro con TRADESAFE, una marca de seguridad industrial de confianza.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Are all businesses required to follow OSHA?

Since OSHA comprises a broad scope, most employers and employees must follow its standards and regulations on occupational health and safety. However, there is a small category of persons exempted from OSHA. Self-employed workers and federal and state-regulated industries have a total exemption, while partial exemption for employers with ten employees or less.

Who can conduct a risk assessment?

Employers are tasked by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to conduct inspections of all workplaces or tasks to determine if hazards are present or are likely to be present at the workplace.

How often should you review your LOTO program?

According to OSHA Standard 1910.147(c)(6), the employer must conduct inspections of the LOTO procedures at least once a year.

What types of machinery and equipment require lockout tagout procedures?

Lockout tagout is required for any equipment driven by electrical, mechanical, chemical, or other types of energy or has the capacity to store or re-accumulate energy.

Do I need a lockout tagout procedure checklist?

Yes, a lockout tagout checklist documents the nature of work, hazardous energy sources, and the employees involved in the procedure. It is used before repairing industrial equipment and heavy machinery to prevent unintentional energization occurrences and exposure to dangerous energy.

Are all LOTO products from TRADESAFE OSHA compliant?

Yes, all TRADESAFE products, from padlocks and hasps to breaker locks and stations, are made to the highest quality and in accordance with the OSHA Standard. All products are durable, standardized, substantial, identifiable, and exclusive for safety.

Where are safety signs needed?

Hazardous areas, dangerous machinery, emergency evacuation routes, pipelines, and other work zones surrounding the workplace will require safety signage. A facility or safety manager should assess the workplace to see if collective precautions or better work methods can decrease or eliminate hazards.

Do I need an eyewash station at work?

OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.151(c) requires that emergency eyewash stations shall be provided in any instance where the eyes may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials.

What is the OSHA-compliant placement of eyewash stations?

OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.151(c) requires that emergency eyewash stations must be accessible no more than 100 feet from the workstation(s). It’s also advisable for the management to consider the workplace layout in locating eyewash stations, so any affected employee can reach and use the eyewash within 10 seconds.

What is the best absorbent for industrial use?

Socks are ideal industrial absorbent products. They are flexible tubes used to control and contain spills on the land environment and are ideal for quickly absorbing oil or water-based liquid spills on land.