manufacturing workers using loto devices

How to Select the Proper LOTO Devices for Your Manufacturing...

Not selecting the proper LOTO devices for your manufacturing facility can lead to injuries, fatalities, lawsuits, and penalties. Here are the things you need to consider in selecting the proper LOTO devices for your specific industry needs.
Installing a circuit breaker lock with hasp, padlock, and tag

Circuit Breaker Lockout Installation

Here is a quick guide on how to properly install circuit breaker lockouts.

Failure to Implement Lockout Tagout Procedures Linked To Severe And Fatal Injuries

Failure to Implement Lockout Tagout Procedures Linked To Severe And...

Reported incidents by OSHA reveal that failure to implement lockout tagout procedures is linked to severe and fatal injuries. These...
manager holding a clipboard with workers in the background

OSHA 300 Log Requirements: Key Changes and Compliance Tips

This article summarizes the 2024 updates to the OSHA 300 log requirements, highlighting key changes businesses need to know to remain compliant and avoid penalties.
Events that Changed Workplace Health and Safety Movement

5 Events that Changed Workplace Health and Safety Movement

Understanding the past can help explore the present and future with a sense of value and perspective. To have a...
osha standard for workplace noise

OSHA Standard for Occupational Noise Exposure

Exposure to excessive occupational noise may lead to permanent hearing loss. The OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95 standard protects workers from...