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Keep hazardous energy under control with the help of TRADESAFE’s lockout tagout kits. These kits come with an assortment of lock out tag out devices that all work together to ensure that the workplace remains safe and free of injuries.

Choose among different kits that include different combinations of LOTO devices. You’ll be able to get your hands on collections of padlocks, circuit breaker locks, plug locks, inspection tags, hasps, and other useful devices. Each item in the kit is guaranteed to be completely reliable and OSHA compliant.

Each kit also comes with a highly visible red canvas bag with a secure zipper. This can help keep the devices safe from loss or damage and can help keep the workplace neat and uncluttered.

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A lockout tagout kit is a collection of a variety of lockout tagout devices. A kit like this can include devices like padlocks, hasps, tags, circuit breaker lockouts, valve lockouts, and more. Typically, kits are meant to make LOTO devices more easily available for employees. They are designed to be portable and easy to take to different sites or spots around the workplace.

Different kits can come in different combinations of devices that are meant to serve particular purposes. For example, an electrical lockout tagout kit can include lockout devices like the following:

  • Circuit breaker lockout devices
  • Plug lockout devices
  • Padlocks
  • Hasps
  • LOTO supplies (tags and zip ties)

A lockout tagout kit should have an assortment of lockout tagout devices. These include safety padlocks with their keys, lockout tagout tags, and hasps. The contents of LOTO kits can vary depending on the type of machine they’re meant for use. Some kits can include electrical lockout tagout devices, while others can consist of valve lockouts. The basic components, however, are safety padlocks, hasps, and tags.

Lockout tagout kits are made to prevent physical access to switches, handles, toggles, and any other mechanism that stores potentially hazardous energy. These devices are utilized if the energy source or machine in question is due for maintenance or repairs. The locks will then prevent the accidental or inadvertent re-energizing of the machine, thus keeping maintenance or repair personnel safe from danger.

Lockout tagout kits can typically be used for a variety of procedures, though they can be designed to cater to procedures of a specific nature. You can keep a collection of different lockout devices in a kit, and you can keep the kit handy, so you’ll always have the devices you need nearby.

You can also use a lockout tagout kit to refill a lockout tagout station. Typically, kits will have the same devices included in LOTO stations but smaller quantities, making them more mobile.

Lockout tagout kits include the necessary supplies and devices for an effective lockout tagout procedure. To make sure that your workplace adheres to proper lockout tagout procedures, it’s important to make sure that employees have access to the proper lockout tagout devices.

Lockout tagout procedures typically involve locking out a variety of machines and equipment. Because these machines can vary significantly in nature, employees will need to use a variety of lockout tagout devices. These devices include the following:


Padlocks are perhaps the most versatile among lockout devices because they can be used with nearly any machine, combined with most other lockout tagout devices. They also have writeable labels that can bear the name of the employees that put them on a machine.


Sometimes, it’s possible to have multiple employees working on the same machine. Some devices can accommodate multiple locks, but some accommodate only a single lock or don’t accommodate enough locks. Hasps can accommodate multiple locks that belong to multiple employees.

Circuit Breaker Locks

Circuit breaker locks are designed to ensure electrical isolation. They allow employees to turn off electrical power from the circuit breaker and ensure that the power remains turned off until after all employees are done with their tasks.

Valve Locks

Valve locks are made to isolate valve handles and make them inaccessible. These locks can work with gas valves, water valves, and the like. They are easy to use; simply clamp them over the handle then secure them with a padlock. Additionally, they can work for gate valves and ball valves.

Plug Locks

While circuit breaker locks turn off electrical power from the circuit breaker, plug locks can prevent machines from getting plugged into electrical sockets. This ensures that these machines will not have any electricity and will therefore not be activated until the job is done.


Lockout tagout tags are designed to be easily visible, recognizable, and durable. They typically come with red and black print or green and black print. Additionally, they should be writable and are meant to display information about a specific lockout tagout procedure.

Cable Locks

These cable locks are made to be versatile, adjustable, and durable. In situations where valves or panels are difficult to reach, cable locks can make proper lockout tagout possible.

While red is not the only color authorized by OSHA for a visual reminder system, “red” in OSHA color coding indicates danger, stop, or presence of fire protection equipment. This helps employees identify and distinguish a lockout device from other similar devices, such as security locks in the workplace.

Yes. The set includes a red canvas bag that can conveniently carry all lockout tagout devices, making it ideal for both personal and industrial use.

Tags are not necessarily safer than locks. It is critical to remember that tags are merely warning devices and do not physically prevent someone from mistakenly turning on switches, machines, or equipment.

Yes, but as is the case with any safety program, how the lockout tagout device is used is the often weak link. This lockout tagout kit has essential tools to keep you safe and compliant in circumstances requiring the control of potentially hazardous energy.

However, your internal safety program, training, and adherence to it will determine how well you comply with OSHA, your state regulatory body, or any non-government standard such as NFPA 70E.

Meanwhile, compliance has always been a top priority for TRADESAFE safety supplies. Our LOTO locks, which come in packs of 7 and 10, are an excellent illustration of this. Each comes keyed differently, with numbers engraved in both the padlock body and key for easy identification.

Yes, because each lockout tagout kit includes a set of keyed different LOTO locks.

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Tagout devices, such as a LOTO tag, are visible warning signs that are securely tied to an energy-isolating device to indicate that it is being isolated and may not be operated until the lockout device is officially removed.

They also serve as a way of identifying who locked out the machinery, the date and time of the lockout, and the department for which the individual works. Additional information, such as a beeper number, extension number, and other relevant identifiers, can be put on the tag.

Electricians are constantly exposed to harmful energy since they operate in close proximity to electrical energy sources. Therefore, it’s only necessary for them to always carry their own lockout kit anytime and anywhere.

So, if you’re an electrician, here are some lockout essentials that you shouldn’t miss out on having:

  • Circuit breaker lockout
  • Plug lockout
  • LOTO padlocks
  • LOTO steel and nylon hasps
  • Danger Do Not Operate lockout tags
  • Zip tie
  • Cinch bag

Safety tags are used as warning signs for temporary hazards on different procedures and equipment, including forklifts, gas cylinders, equipment inspection, lockout tagout, electrical safety, and more.

The hazards that may exist in the workplace are classified according to their severity; consequently, it is important to determine which type of tag is suitable for usage. Here are some of the most common types of safety tags:

  • LOCKOUT TAGOUT SAFETY TAG – part of OSHA safety measures to regulate energy during equipment servicing or maintenance, when an unexpected starting might result in injuries.
  • INSPECTION SAFETY TAG – keeps track of regular inspection dates and indicates the condition of ladders, scaffolds, fire extinguishers, and machinery.
  • BARRICADE SAFETY TAG – provides the conditions for accessing a regulated area as well as communicating critical information regarding risks, installation, and removal timeframes.
  • MACHINE SAFETY TAG – indicates potentially dangerous equipment, documents machine inspections, or identifies machinery that is out of service or should not be used.
  • LADDER SCAFFOLD SAFETY TAG – includes details regarding limitations, restrictions, and any other safety information relating to the particular scaffold.
  • CONFINED SPACE TAGS –  specifies certain locations that are restricted, dangerous, and require permits to enter. It also aids in the communication of entrance permissions, personnel in confined spaces, inspections, and occupants.

When an employer decides to use tagout instead of lockout, a zip tie can be used as a means of attachment provided it fits the standards in 1910.269(d)(3)(ii)(D). Because a zip ties is not naturally brittle, it can also be utilized as an added layer of protection.

A red lock is used to indicate that the equipment is currently being serviced or maintained. But what if the worker is not actively working on the equipment that’s under a LOTO operation? This is when transition locks come into play. Transition locks come in gold color and are used for de-energizing equipment between work shifts.

When a piece of equipment or machinery must maintain its lockout status but a worker is not actively working on them, it is necessary to use transition locks and tags. One example of this is when equipment is still under lockout between work shifts.

So, while red locks are used to communicate that the equipment is actively being worked on, gold locks are used for these specific times of transition or extension of lockout tagout procedure in the 2nd or 3rd shift.

This means that even if the shift is over but servicing or maintenance is still not completed, the authorized employee should remove their personal red lock and tag and replace it with the transition lock and tag on the source. On the next work shift, the authorized employee must remove the transition lock and verify zero energy again, then apply their personal red lock.

This provides for LOTO continuity between employees while also requiring the worker to be sharp in LOTO procedures and verify zero energy at each source during each shift. The gold locks used in the transfer lock system are called “transition locks,” which may come in multiple keyed sets.