Key Takeaways
Electrical workers are at risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders due to repetitive motions, awkward postures, and heavy lifting.
Proper ergonomic solutions in material handling, installation, repair, and prefabrication can significantly reduce work-related injuries.
Simple changes, such as using the right tools and adjusting workstations, improve long-term safety.
Stretching, job rotation, and scheduled breaks play a key role in preventing chronic pain and work-related injuries.
4 Common Electrical Contractor Workplace Hazards

Electrical contractors operate in environments that expose them to a range of hazards, from life-threatening incidents to long-term health risks. Understanding these dangers is the first step toward prevention. Below are four major hazards that electrical workers frequently face on the job:
Ergonomic Risks: Repetitive tasks, heavy lifting, awkward postures, and tool-related strain lead to ergonomic injuries and long-term damage.
Slips and Falls: Loose cables, uneven surfaces, and working at heights increase the risk of falls.
Motor Vehicle Accidents: Transportation-related injuries occur when traveling between job sites or operating heavy equipment.
Electrocution: Direct contact with live wires and faulty equipment is a life-threatening hazard.
While electrocution, falls, and vehicle accidents are immediate threats, ergonomic hazards are the silent risks that accumulate over time. Workers might ignore minor aches and pains until they become debilitating conditions that require medical intervention or force early retirement.
Unlike other hazards, ergonomic injuries develop slowly, making prevention efforts even more critical. Addressing issues like repetitive stress, awkward postures, and overexertion now can help electrical workers avoid chronic conditions that impact their careers and quality of life.
Ergonomic Risks for Electrical Workers
Ergonomic hazards are environmental factors that cause work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) brought by wear and tear on the body due to repetition, physical strain from poorly-designed equipment and prolonged postures, flawed lifting and handling practices, and extreme workplace noise and temperature. Such hazards can lead to severe disabilities if not prevented or addressed.
Ergonomic injuries comprise 33% of all worker injury and illness cases in the U.S., with a total of 2.6 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported across private industries in 2023. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has determined that work-related MSDs are one of the most frequently reported grounds for lost or restricted work time. For electrical contractors, this means financial losses that come in the form of workers' compensation costs and hits to productivity due to lost workdays.
Additionally, according to the 2021 Contractor Risk Report data released by AmTrust Financial Services, Inc., a property and casualty insurer, electrical workers accounted for 19% of AmTrust claims filed–only second to the 28% of insurance claims from plumbers. This statistic indicates the presence of more workplace or task-related dangers than any other contractors or specialties.
Why Are Electrical Workers at High Risk?
Electrical workers face a unique combination of physical demands that increase the risk of ergonomic injuries. Unlike jobs with controlled environments and standardized workstations, electricians must constantly adapt to different job sites, tasks, and equipment. These unpredictable working conditions make it difficult to maintain proper posture, use ergonomic tools, or follow optimal body mechanics.
We know that lifting heavy loads can cause injury. What other actions can cause injury? Several factors contribute to the high rate of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and other ergonomic injuries in the electrical industry:
Repetitive Hand and Wrist Movements: Gripping, twisting, and turning hand tools for extended periods can lead to conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.
Overhead Work: Constant reaching above shoulder level while wiring or installing fixtures strains the shoulders, neck, and upper back.
Heavy Lifting and Carrying: Transporting conduits, transformers, and tool bags can overload the spine, increasing the risk of lower back injuries.
Awkward Postures: Crouching, kneeling, and bending to work in confined spaces (such as under panels or in crawl spaces) put stress on the knees and back.
Prolonged Static Positions: Standing for long hours or holding a tool in one position without movement contributes to muscle fatigue and stiffness.
Now that the most common ergonomic risks have been outlined, the next sections will focus on ergonomic solutions that help electrical workers avoid injuries. From proper materials handling to safe installation and repair techniques, these practices reduce strain, increase efficiency, and support long-term health in the electrical industry.
Best Materials Handling Practices to Avoid Ergonomic Injuries
Electrical workers face exposure to ergonomic issues when transporting tools and equipment around shops, facilities, and storage areas. When it comes to material handling, lifting heavy objects is one of the leading causes of injuries in the workplace because of overexertion and cumulative trauma. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than one million workers suffer back injuries each year, and back injuries comprise 20% of workplace injuries. Here are some best practices to follow:
Heavy Lifting
Use suction devices to lift junction boxes or any smooth and flat-surfaced materials.
Ensure proper lifting practices are performed by workers. Maintain neutral and straight spine alignment by bending at the knees, not the waist.
When lifting loads more than the prescribed weight, enlist the help of two or more people. The rule of thumb is one person for every 50 pounds.
Store materials that must be manually lifted and transported at "power-zone" height. Be mindful to keep the vertical distance of lifts between mid-thigh and shoulder height.
Use templates made of lightweight materials to mark holes for drilling when mounting heavy objects. This ensures that heavy items such as junction boxes and service panels are not carried or held for a prolonged period.
To hold large materials, use stands or mechanical lifting devices such as:
Hoists and pulleys for raising heavy equipment.
Dollies and hand trucks for transporting materials over distances.
Lifting straps to share the load between multiple workers.
Take regular breaks and divide work into shorter segments. Allowing the body to rest will give muscles ample time to recuperate.
Pre-assemble fixtures or boxes to minimize the time workers spend handling them.
Pushing, Pulling, and Carrying

Use transport devices such as pallet jacks and hand trucks.
Place materials at "power-zone" height (about mid-thigh to mid-chest) when manually lifting.
Avoid stacking materials on a cart higher than eye level.
Replace wheels or check the air pressure when they become wobbly or uneven.
Provide elevator and ramp access to workers to avoid stairs or bumpy ground.
Wear rubber-soled shoes to maintain firm footing.
Plan work activities and rotate tasks to ensure that workers are not exposed to the same task for a long time.
Use proper handholds such as handles, slots, or holds with enough room for gloved hands.
Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid injuries and contact stress.
What else should I consider?
Maintain a correct posture when operating transport devices.
Avoid pulling when possible, as it may cause injuries from carts hitting the shins or ankles. Generally, pushing takes less effort.
Use vertical handles instead of horizontal ones to allow employees of different heights to maintain a neutral posture.
Use pneumatic wheels for trucks and carts to provide more stability when transporting materials over bumpy, rough terrain.
Staging and Housekeeping

Place materials on stands, racks, or other devices to keep the floor free from clutter.
Reduce walking distances by staging materials within 25 to 50 feet of the point of use.
Plan staging to ensure that materials and equipment such as conduits and spools of wire are placed in a central location.
Perform housekeeping tasks daily or as often as possible.
Create a workspace that is easy to maintain.
What else should I consider?
The farther the materials are stored, the more it affects risk factors, efficiency, and productivity.
Performing tasks on an elevated surface prevents prolonged bending and awkward postures.
Labeling material storage helps workers find what they need quickly, reducing unnecessary handling.
Vehicular Activities

Install truck ramps to make loading in and out of the back of the vehicle easier.
Install a roll-out truck bed deck to give workers easy access to the truck’s contents.
Avoid lifting off the sides of a truck or latched tailgate.
Place commonly-used materials close to doors or outside truck bins to minimize stooping and reaching into the vehicle.
What else should I consider?
Deck platforms also provide a convenient waist-high workspace.
In cramped spaces, lift materials in a kneeling position and push and pull while crouching.
Use a vehicle with hydraulic lift equipment.
Install truck ramps to make loading in and out of the back of the vehicle easier.
Move materials closer to the tailgate to make manual lifting in the "power zone" easier.
Best Installation and Repair Practices to Avoid Ergonomic Injuries
Electrical workers often carry out general maintenance, installation, and electrical repair works several times at several locations. As such, workers performing these tasks must stand for long periods, work in awkward postures, or manually lift heavy objects, increasing the risk factors of ergonomic injuries, particularly work-related musculoskeletal problems.
Pulling and Feeding Wire
Use a mechanical wire puller to eliminate the need for manual pulling by several workers, thereby minimizing the risk of overexertion and preventing cumulative trauma disorders in the workplace.
Appropriately positioned movable pulleys allow workers to exert more force and work in proper postures. Combined with mechanical pullers, this reduces overhead reaches and force requirements of the task.
Use spool rollers to allow the spools to move naturally, reducing the force requirement of the task and cable damage during payout.
Provide workers with platforms, lifts, or scaffolds to avoid overhead or low-location pulls.
Lubricate wire as it enters chases and conduits to reduce friction and force requirement of pulling.
Use platform ladders instead of regular ladders to provide workers a surface where they can stand and turn to face work direction while pulling. Doing so will allow workers to exert force in ergonomically correct postures that improve efficiency and reduce fatigue.
Conduct pre-planning to ensure that all works are provided with suitable height ladders.
Remove obstructions such as tables and power equipment to improve access. Use platform ladders or lifts to get closer to the work area.
Connecting and Fastening
Use stab-in switches and outlets. For smaller-scale jobs (residential), use self-locking stab-ins. For larger-scale jobs, use stab-ins with a side screw fastener.
Use tool-less connectors as they are easier and faster, reducing safety risks.
Use proper size or spring-loaded strippers with sharp teeth when stripping wires to reduce the pulling force required.
Purchase tools with handles appropriately sized and shaped for the workers. The handle should be padded and made of slip-resistant material such as plastic or rubber. They must also be light and fit well in hand.
Use powered or ratcheting tools for repetitive tasks whenever possible. Ensure that powered devices have variable speed, torque limiters, or stop bars to prevent injuries, like spraining workers' hands.
Use spring-loaded pliers, crimpers, and snips for repeatedly done tasks. Make sure that the spring is just enough to open the tool, as excessive spring force might increase the grip force required to use the tool.
Using Tools
When Using Hand Tools
Use appropriately designed tools and equipment with proper handle orientation to promote neutral posture of the wrist and hand. An inline tool is best suited for horizontal surfaces; a pistol grip for vertical surfaces; and bent-handled tools can accommodate varying angles and work positions.
Select electrical tools with padded grips and handles extending along the entire palm to reduce contact pressure.
Keep electrical tools well-maintained and in good repair. Replace electrical tools if handles are damaged.
When Using Portable Power Tools
Use torque bars on tools such as pipe threaders and drills to minimize the effort exerted to control the instrument.
Use trigger levers on power tools as these have a longer trigger to accommodate three fingers instead of those with single-finger trigger action.
Use overhead or under-tool supports to sustain the weight of heavy tools.
Maintain tools in good working order. Avoid poorly-designed older power tools not suited for ergonomic use. Consider reduced-vibration tools when making new purchases. Keep cutting surfaces of tools sharp and well lubricated.
Learn safety practices and proper tool usage. Wear appropriate anti-vibration gloves when using power tools and only use enough finger force to provide adequate control of the device.
Limit continuous use of vibrating tools to 15 minutes, with no more than 2 hours of total operating time per day. Workers should still observe other means of reducing the vibration, even during shortened sessions.
When Wearing Tool Belts
Use a mobile toolbox or a bucket-style tool bag instead of a tool belt. Select a backpack-style tool bag if tools need to be carried, so the weight of the devices is distributed over the body.
Use padded belts and suspenders to distribute the weight between the shoulders and the waist evenly. Keep the tool belt light by only keeping the necessary tools for the tasks.
When Drilling Holes
Use an angle drill for large holes to provide a more extended lever arm to control torque forces.
Choose drilling tools with a built-in kickback clutch.
Apply even pressure on the bit and do not force it. Make sure tool bits are sharp before use. Sharpen and replace frequently.
Use ladders or lifts to reach higher work areas so that arms may be kept close to the body and safely support tools in the "power zone." Use bit extensions to minimize reaching.
Request builders to use materials that do not require drilling, such as engineered wood products with knockouts. Using spacers while laying fresh concrete can also minimize drilling after curing the concrete.
Digging and Trenching
Use mechanical means such as trenchers or backhoes.
Move the feet instead of twisting the torso to turn the whole body.
Use long-handled tools to minimize the bending in the torso.
Divide digging tasks into segments no longer than 15 minutes and mix them with non-digging tasks. Shoveling must be alternated from left to right sides of the body. The interval might be shorter depending on environmental conditions and the difficulty of digging work.
Place wheelbarrows close to the digging area to reduce throwing distance. The optimal throw distance is approximately three feet and no farther than four feet.
Use the right shovel for the job. For sand and dry earth, use round-bladed shovels; for coarse-grained materials, use square-bladed shovels; and for digging in hard ground, use shovels with a rolled step. Use trenching shovels to minimize the weight of the material lifted.
Wear PPE, including protective gloves and shoes with steel shanks.
Best Prefabrication Practices to Avoid Ergonomic Injuries
Electrical workers in prefabrication are responsible for assembling and preparing electrical components, conduit systems, and wiring setups before they are installed at job sites. Prefabrication is often seen as a way to reduce strain on electrical workers by shifting tasks from unpredictable job sites to controlled environments. However, ergonomic injuries still occur due to prolonged static postures, heavy manual lifting, static postures, repetitive movements, and contact stress.
Bending Conduits
Store conduits in containers or racks when delivered. Refrain from placing it on the floor.
Ensure that work areas are clear of obstructions to minimize inferences when moving large conduits. This includes both overhead and ground-level blocks.
Use mechanical assists such as cranes and forklifts to move materials and finished pieces.
Use containers with handles, carts of waist height, or attachable handles to make hauling larger pieces of conduit easier.
Seek help when materials need to be moved manually, especially in handling large sections after the conduit is bent.
Maintain all wheels, rollers, and cart guides to minimize rolling resistance. Note that the bigger the wheel, the less force is required to move carts. Recommended size is at least 6 inches in diameter.
Cutting and Spooling Wire
Conduct pre-planning to ensure that smaller wire spools are placed on work surfaces of appropriate height to minimize bending and lifting.
Use mechanical means such as forklifts, overhead cranes, and hoists to move and lift large spools. If automated means are not available, make sure that two or more employees share the load.
Ensure sufficient access to all spool racks. Frequently used spools must be placed between weight and shoulder height in convenient locations.
Use spool rollers instead of elevated racks when removing wire from the spools as these do not require to be moved to high locations.
Provide adjustable-height tables and jigs that hold the piece in a position where workers can maintain a neutral posture.
Furnish workstations with anti-fatigue mats and shoe inserts to help reduce discomfort caused by prolonged standing on hard floor surfaces.
Do not conduct welding on low-level areas. Pre-plan welding tasks to minimize awkward postures. Provide a stand to get welding equipment to an appropriate height to eliminate awkward stances.
Use stools instead of kneeling. When required, wear knee pads.
Consider the weight of PPE or clothing items such as helmets, jackets, and aprons to reduce the load the workers need to support when bending the neck or trunk to perform tasks.
Pad areas of tools and work surfaces that come into contact with body parts.
Provide adjustable workstations to give workers the option to adjust the height and tilt of the work surface. Use adjustable fixtures or clamps to hold parts during assembly.
Provide lighted, modifiable magnifying glasses to increase visibility while assembling smaller parts.
Provide sit/stand stools so employees can rest while remaining upright. Try to alternate stance between sitting and standing when executing tasks.
Increase the scope of tasks to give employees a variety of assignments to do. This ensures that workers are not doing the same functions for an extended period. Take regular breaks.
Use a broad range of pneumatic tools, especially for crimping, stripping, and pruning wires, as these ease the risk of injury.
Use a balancer for tools weighing 5 pounds or more or when heavy tools are used for a long duration.
Ergonomic Practices to Prevent Long-Term Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
Preventing long-term work-related musculoskeletal disorders requires a combination of proactive ergonomics programs that improve workplace ergonomics, encourage healthy movement, and provide tools that minimize physical strain.
Ergonomic Training and Stretching Programs: Stretching and strengthening exercises for the hands, wrists, shoulders, neck, lower back, and legs help improve flexibility, reduce stiffness, and enhance circulation. Electrical workers should stretch before and after shifts to reduce stiffness and improve mobility throughout the workday.
Regular Break Policies: Short, frequent breaks help prevent repetitive stress injuries without affecting productivity. A 10-minute break every 2 hours can help relieve muscle tension and reset posture.
Job Rotation Strategies: Employers should implement break schedules and job rotation programs to distribute physical strain more evenly across different muscle groups. For example, switch between fine motor tasks and larger muscle tasks to balance strain.
According to Anuja Patil, CSP, CPE, administrator of Ergonomics Practice Specialty in the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), “Safety professionals play a crucial role in fostering ergonomic excellence within workplaces, and the most powerful approach is through the concept of prevention through design… Ergonomics needs to evolve and safety professionals need to conduct regular evaluations of the measures already in place. Conducting ergonomic risk assessments helps identify potential ergonomic hazards and provides the foundation for designing work environments that prioritize safety and comfort.”
By prioritizing ergonomic practices and solutions, workers employers create a safer, more efficient workplace where electrical workers can perform their tasks without long-term strain or injury.
Is poor ergonomics a safety hazard?
Yes, poor ergonomics increases the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), repetitive strain injuries, and long-term disabilities, making it a significant workplace safety concern. It can also lead to fatigue, reduced efficiency, and higher injury rates on the job.
What could lead to the development of a musculoskeletal disorder?
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) develop from repetitive movements, excessive force, awkward postures, vibration exposure, and prolonged static positions. Tasks such as heavy lifting, wire pulling, and tool use without ergonomic support increase the risk.
What is the most important piece of safety equipment for an electrician?
While PPE like insulated gloves and safety glasses are essential, ergonomic tools with padded grips and reduced vibration features help prevent long-term injuries. Proper footwear also supports posture and reduces fatigue.
What is the most effective method for ergonomic control?
The best method is engineering controls, which involve redesigning workstations, tools, and processes to reduce strain, such as using mechanical lifts, adjustable work surfaces, and power-assisted tools. These solutions eliminate or significantly reduce physical stress before it affects workers.
What is a common ergonomic practice to reduce injuries?
Frequent task rotation helps prevent overuse injuries by alternating between physically demanding and lighter tasks. Other key practices include taking regular breaks, stretching, and using properly designed tools to minimize strain.
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