OSHA Heat Regulations: Guide to OSHA Heat Rules and Safety Protocols (2024)

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Herbert Post
osha heat regulations for safety

Key Takeaways

  • Outdoor workers are at a higher risk of heat-related illnesses, especially during a heat wave. Employers should implement safety protocols to prevent overexposure to extreme temperatures.
  • To prevent heat-related illness, employers must provide workers with access to water, rest, and shade, and schedule physically demanding tasks during the morning and evening hours when temperatures are lower.
  • In the event of a heat emergency, such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke, quick action is critical. Workers should be moved to a cool area, hydrated, and medical attention should be sought if symptoms worsen.
  • Employers should actively control heat hazards in the workplace by using ventilation systems, fans, or air conditioning for indoor workers, and by monitoring weather conditions and adjusting work schedules for outdoor workers.
  • Heat safety awareness and training are key to minimizing risks during a heat wave. Workers must be educated on how to recognize symptoms of heat stress and the steps they can take to avoid heat-related illnesses.


OSHA Heat Regulations: What You Need To Know?

Thousands of workers fall victim to heat-related illnesses each year, with some cases tragically proving fatal. The peril is particularly acute for newcomers to outdoor work; research indicates that 50% to 70% of outdoor heat-related fatalities occur within the initial days of exposure. This vulnerability highlights the critical importance of heat acclimatization - the body's gradual adaptation to heat.

Managing workplace heat exposure is crucial to ensuring employee safety and health. In response to the rising concern over heat-related illnesses, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) continues to develop and enforce regulations designed to protect workers in high-temperature environments.

Industries at Risk of Heat Illness

Certain industries are at a significantly higher risk for heat-related illnesses due to their outdoor and high-exertion nature. These include:

Industry Type Heat Exposure Risks
Outdoor Industries Construction Strenuous labor under direct sunlight increases the risk of heat-related illnesses.
Agriculture Prolonged sun exposure while tending to crops and livestock leads to heat stress and dehydration.
Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance Outdoor work in high temperatures raises the risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Oil and Gas Operators Physically intensive tasks in environments lacking shade increase heat-related health risks.
Utility and Pipeline Workers Outdoor work in remote areas with limited shade makes workers vulnerable to heat illness.
Indoor Industries Manufacturing and Warehousing Factories and warehouses without ventilation or AC can become extremely hot, posing a heat stress risk.
Commercial Bakeries and Kitchens Cooking appliances and ovens raise temperatures, increasing heat-related illness risks.
Laundries and Dry Cleaners Heat-generating equipment and cramped conditions lead to high ambient temperatures, increasing risk.
Automotive and Aircraft Manufacturing Enclosed spaces with limited airflow become intensely hot, especially near machinery.
Iron and Steel Mills The heat generated during iron and steel production creates hazardous conditions without proper safety measures.


Importance of OSHA Heat Regulations

Heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and heat cramps, pose a serious risk to workers, especially in high-temperature environments. OSHA heat regulations are critical in reducing the incidence of these illnesses by establishing clear expectations for employers.

Implementing preventative measures not only ensures worker safety but also reduces absenteeism, improves productivity, and helps avoid costly penalties associated with non-compliance. In recent years, OSHA's focus on heat safety reflects the increasing recognition of heat stress as an occupational hazard, further underlining the need for robust employer protocols.

2024 Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Proposal

The 2024 Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Proposal is a critical initiative by OSHA to address the growing risks of heat exposure in the workplace. This proposal is aimed at formalizing the protection of workers from excessive heat, both in outdoor environments and indoor settings where ventilation may be inadequate. As part of OSHA's broader efforts to combat heat-related illnesses, this proposal seeks to establish a set of mandatory requirements that all employers must follow to safeguard their workers.

Heat Prevention Plans
OSHA will require businesses to create comprehensive heat prevention plans. These plans should include risk assessments that identify potential hazards related to heat stress, as well as steps employers will take to eliminate or reduce those hazards. Prevention plans will be tailored to specific work environments, acknowledging that different industries face varying levels of heat exposure.

Worker Monitoring and Acclimatization
Under the new proposal, employers must monitor their workers for signs of heat-related illness, especially during periods of extreme heat. Workers new to a hot environment or returning after a break will need time to acclimatize. This process allows their bodies to gradually adjust to the heat, significantly reducing the likelihood of heat illness. Monitoring and acclimatization protocols are critical to ensuring workers can safely perform their duties without jeopardizing their health.

Access to Water, Rest, and Shade
The proposal emphasizes the importance of providing workers with easy access to cool drinking water, regular breaks, and shaded areas during periods of high heat. OSHA’s research indicates that these simple yet effective measures can drastically reduce the occurrence of heat-related illnesses.

Training Programs
Proper training is essential to a successful heat safety plan. The 2024 proposal will require that employers provide training for both workers and supervisors on how to recognize the symptoms of heat illness, when to take preventive action, and how to respond in the event of an emergency.

Recordkeeping Requirements
One of the new aspects of the 2024 proposal will be the mandatory documentation of heat illness prevention efforts. Employers will be required to maintain records of their heat safety programs, including training sessions, heat illness incidents, and preventive measures. These records will be critical during OSHA inspections and will help employers demonstrate their compliance with the new regulations.

Inspections and Enforcement
OSHA will conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance with the new heat regulations. Businesses found to be neglecting heat safety protocols could face fines, citations, or more severe penalties, depending on the nature of the violation. The proposal's enforcement measures highlight OSHA’s commitment to making heat illness prevention a priority across industries.

Dangers of Exposure to Extreme Heat

workers working under extreme heat

The risk associated with exposure to heat hazards in both outdoor and indoor work environments is a critical safety concern that can lead to severe illness, injury, or even death. Heat-related illnesses and injuries are not strictly confined to high-temperature environments; they can occur across a range of ambient temperatures.

Particularly vulnerable are workers who are not acclimatized to their environment, those engaged in moderate to high physical activity, or those wearing heavy, bulky clothing or equipment, including personal protective equipment (PPE).

Understanding the Heat Index

The heat index is a measure that combines air temperature and relative humidity to determine an apparent temperature – how hot it feels. This index is crucial for evaluating the potential risk of heat-related illnesses.

  • Heat Index Below 80°F: It's important to note that heat-related fatalities have occurred even when the heat index is below 80°F, especially when other aggravating factors are present. These factors include lack of acclimatization, high physical exertion, and inadequate hydration or rest periods.
  • Exertional Heat Stroke: One of the most severe forms of heat-related illness is exertional heat stroke. This condition arises when physical activity in hot conditions drives the body's temperature to 104°F or higher, significantly above the normal body temperature of around 98.6°F. Symptoms of exertional heat stroke include confusion, altered mental state, slurred speech, loss of consciousness, and absence of sweating.
  • Heat and Humidity: The combination of high ambient heat with humidity intensifies the risk, as it hampers the body’s ability to cool itself through sweating. In such conditions, the body's core temperature can rise rapidly, leading to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke.
  • Prevention and Awareness: Understanding and monitoring the heat index is vital in preventing heat-related illnesses. Employers must be aware of the day's heat index and plan work schedules and protective measures accordingly. This includes implementing rest breaks, providing hydration, and modifying workloads based on the heat index.


Standards and Regulations on Heat Safety

Employer Responsibilities (OSHA Standard: General Duty Clause)

Under the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are mandated to maintain a workplace free from recognized hazards that could cause or are likely to cause death or serious harm to employees. This clause has been interpreted by the courts to mean that employers must actively prevent conditions or activities known to be hazardous, including heat-related dangers, when feasible methods to reduce these hazards are available.

NIOSH's Recommended Heat Standard

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has set forth a recommended standard for occupational heat stress in its publication "Criteria for a Recommended Standard – Occupational Exposure to Heat and Hot Environments.”. This document offers guidelines for employers to prevent heat-related illnesses in the workplace.

Heat Standards in Specific States

Several states with OSHA-approved State Plans have developed their own standards for heat exposure:

  • California: The Heat Illness Prevention Standard mandates training, water, shade, and planning for employers, with requirements kicking in at 80°F.
  • Colorado: Colorado's Agricultural Labor Conditions Rules include specific guidelines for heat.
  • Minnesota: Their standard focuses on indoor workplaces, providing detailed guidelines for employers.
  • Oregon: Oregon has comprehensive regulations for heat illness prevention, applicable to general occupational safety and health, including construction and agriculture.
  • Washington: The state's Outdoor Heat Exposure Rule offers guidelines for managing heat hazards in outdoor work environments.

Related OSHA Heat Regulations and Standards

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The PPE standard (29 CFR 1910.132(d)) requires a hazard assessment to determine appropriate PPE for workers. Additional specific PPE requirements are outlined for various industries, such as shipyard, maritime, and construction.
  • Recordkeeping Regulation (29 CFR 1904): This regulation mandates the recording of work-related injuries and illnesses under certain conditions. For example, intravenous fluids for a heat-related illness must be recorded, while advising a worker to drink fluids for heat stress does not trigger recording requirements.
  • Sanitation Standards: These standards (29 CFR 1910.141, 1915.88, 1917.127, 1918.95, 1926.51, and 1928.110) require employers to provide potable water, crucial for preventing heat illnesses.
  • Medical Services and First Aid: Standards (29 CFR 1910.151, 1915.87, 1917.26, 1918.97, and 1926.50) mandate that adequately trained personnel be available to provide first aid, especially vital in heat-related emergencies.
  • Safety Training and Education for Construction (29 CFR 1926.21): This standard emphasizes the importance of safety training, including education on heat hazards in construction environments.

These OSHA heat rules and standards form a comprehensive framework for protecting workers from heat-related hazards, emphasizing the importance of employer responsibility, workplace assessment, and appropriate safety measures.


Heat Safety Tips to Prevent Risks and Illnesses

heat exhaustion and heat stroke comparison

Best Heat Safety Practices

To prevent heat illness, particularly as nearly three-quarters of such fatalities occur in the first week of work, OSHA recommends the following safety practices:

  • Follow the 20% Rule: Limit employees to working no more than 20% of a shift at full intensity in heat on their first day. Gradually increase their exposure by no more than 20% each subsequent day.
  • Provide Cool Drinking Water: Encourage workers to drink at least one cup of water every 20 minutes, even if they don’t feel thirsty.
  • Rest Breaks: Allow workers time to recover from the heat in a shaded or cool area.
  • Dress Appropriately for Heat: Advise workers to wear hats and light-colored, loose-fitting, breathable clothing when possible.
  • Monitor Each Other: Encourage workers to keep an eye on themselves and others for signs of heat illness.
  • Recognize and Respond to Heat Illness Signs: Look out for symptoms like fainting, dizziness, nausea, and muscle spasms. Act quickly and call 911 if there's any doubt.
  • Offer Heat Exposure Training: Provide training about the hazards of heat exposure and methods to prevent heat illness.
  • Develop an Emergency Action Plan: Establish a plan outlining steps to take if a worker shows signs of heat-related illness.

These practices are designed to mitigate the risk of heat illness, ensuring a safer work environment for all employees, particularly those new or returning to work in heat-exposed conditions, and compliance with OSHA heat regulations.

Protecting New Workers

To safeguard new workers from the onset of heat-related illnesses and ensure compliance with the OSHA heat stress standard, employers should implement the following strategies:

  • Gradual Exposure to Heat: Schedule new workers for shorter periods in heat stress conditions, interspersed with ample breaks. This gradual introduction helps the body to adapt to the heat.
  • Increased Rest Breaks: Provide new workers with more frequent rest breaks than seasoned employees. This allows their bodies to recover and adapt to the heat stress environment.
  • Heat Stress Training: Educate new workers about heat stress, including recognizing symptoms of heat-related illnesses and the importance of taking rest breaks and staying hydrated.
  • Close Monitoring: Keep a vigilant eye on new workers for any signs of heat-related illness. Early detection is key to preventing serious health complications.
  • Buddy System: Pair new workers with experienced colleagues. This ensures continuous oversight and support, reducing the risk of heat-related incidents.
  • Responsive Action: If new workers exhibit or report symptoms of heat-related illness, permit them to cease work immediately. Initiate first aid measures and never leave an affected worker alone.

These protective measures should be maintained for 1-2 weeks, the period crucial for acclimatization. After this, new workers are generally better adapted to the heat and can safely transition to a normal work schedule.

Heat Safety Awareness

Raising awareness about heat safety is essential in preventing heat-related illnesses in the workplace. Employers should educate their workforce on recognizing the signs of heat stress, including dehydration, dizziness, and excessive sweating. Key preventative measures include staying hydrated by drinking water regularly, wearing light and breathable clothing, and gradually acclimating workers to hot environments.

Additionally, employers should plan work schedules to avoid peak heat hours and provide shaded or cool areas for regular breaks. Monitoring weather conditions is also important, as extreme heat days may require adjustments to work routines.

First Aid to Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is a serious condition that, if untreated, can escalate to heat stroke, which is life-threatening. If a worker shows symptoms of heat exhaustion—such as heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, or a fast, weak pulse—immediate action should be taken:

  1. Move the person to a cooler area: Get the worker out of the hot environment and into a shaded or air-conditioned space.
  2. Hydrate: Provide the worker with water or an electrolyte-replacement drink, if available. They should sip the liquid slowly.
  3. Cool down the body: Apply cool, wet cloths or a spray of cold water to help bring down body temperature. A fan or ice packs can also be used.
  4. Loosen clothing: Remove or loosen any unnecessary clothing to allow the body to cool more efficiently.
  5. Seek medical help: If symptoms worsen or the worker does not recover within 30 minutes, seek medical attention immediately. In severe cases, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke, which requires emergency care.

These heat safety tips are designed to prevent the onset of heat-related illnesses and ensure that workers are prepared to act swiftly in the event of an emergency. By fostering awareness and ensuring that proper first aid is administered when necessary, employers can protect their workforce from the dangers of heat exposure.

How to Create a Heat Illness Prevention Plan

Building a comprehensive Heat Illness Prevention Plan is crucial for any workplace that deals with heat hazards. Given the variety of risk factors, the potential for rapid environmental changes, and the challenge in detecting early signs of illness, such measures are vital for safe work practices and adherence with OSHA heat rules. Here are six key areas to focus on:

Hydration and Rest Breaks

Developing a mandatory break schedule, especially as heat risks increase, is essential. Implement easily accessible hydration stations with ample drinking water, allowing for at least one quart per hour per employee. Additionally, providing sports drinks, ice pops, and hydration supplements can further prevent dehydration. Ensuring that first aid kits are available and regularly restocked across worksites is also critical for immediate response to heat-related issues.

Engineering Controls

Implementing engineering controls can significantly reduce heat stress. This includes making cooling systems like air conditioning and fans available, installing insulation around heat sources, using reflective shields, improving ventilation, and leveraging powered equipment to reduce physical labor. Outdoor worksites should have ample shade and misters, and a wet bulb globe temperature device can be used to monitor environmental conditions accurately.


All employees should receive training on heat safety precautions, how to adjust to changing conditions, and recognizing early signs of heat-related illness. It's also important to provide first aid classes, discuss contingency plans for unexpected complications, and include heat hazard planning in regular safety meetings. Ensuring everyone knows the action plan for reporting symptoms is crucial.

New Workers and Acclimatization

For new workers, provide well-ventilated clothing and follow acclimatization guidelines. Start new workers at no more than 20% of a shift at full intensity, gradually increasing daily. Pair them with experienced workers for guidance and monitor them closely to ensure compliance with breaks, hydration, and heat policies.

Work Practices

Creating an inclement weather policy that accounts for extreme heat, scheduling work during cooler parts of the day, setting a maximum temperature for work, rotating high-effort tasks, and using a safety monitoring platform can all contribute to a safer working environment. These practices help manage workload and provide real-time communication and reporting capabilities.

Personal Protective Equipment

Consider how PPE can increase heat hazards and adjust monitoring accordingly. Encourage the use of reflective, light, and loose-fitting clothing. Provide sunscreen, hats (where they don’t interfere with other PPE), cooling neck wraps, and jackets or vests with built-in ice packs in outdoor settings to help manage body temperature.


What range of temperature control does OSHA recommend?

While OSHA does not specify an exact temperature range, it recommends that workplaces maintain a comfortable environment, ideally between 68°F and 76°F, with humidity levels between 20% and 60%. For environments where heat exposure is a risk, OSHA advises employers to implement engineering controls, such as ventilation or air conditioning, to maintain safe conditions.

What is the OSHA limit for hot surface temperature?

OSHA does not provide a specific temperature limit for hot surfaces but recommends that surfaces should not exceed 140°F to avoid burns. Employers should ensure that workers are protected from contact with hot surfaces through the use of barriers, protective equipment, and safety protocols.

Can wearing PPE trap heat?

Yes, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) can trap body heat, especially in high-temperature environments. PPE like heavy clothing or protective suits may reduce ventilation and increase the risk of heat stress. To mitigate this, employers should provide frequent breaks, encourage hydration, and use cooling devices when appropriate.

What are 3 guidelines for preventing heat-related conditions?

To prevent heat-related conditions, OSHA recommends providing workers with regular access to water, rest, and shaded areas. Employers should also schedule physically demanding tasks during cooler parts of the day and ensure that workers are gradually acclimatized to hot environments to reduce the risk of heat stress.

How do you manage heat in the workplace?

Managing heat in the workplace involves a combination of engineering controls, administrative measures, and worker education. Employers should provide ventilation or air conditioning, ensure workers take frequent breaks in cool areas, monitor temperature and humidity levels, and train workers to recognize the symptoms of heat-related illnesses. Hydration stations and shaded rest areas are also essential for maintaining safe working conditions in hot environments.

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The material provided in this article is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to replace professional/legal advice or substitute government regulations, industry standards, or other requirements specific to any business/activity. While we made sure to provide accurate and reliable information, we make no representation that the details or sources are up-to-date, complete or remain available. Readers should consult with an industrial safety expert, qualified professional, or attorney for any specific concerns and questions.

Herbert Post

Born in the Philadelphia area and raised in Houston by a family who was predominately employed in heavy manufacturing. Herb took a liking to factory processes and later safety compliance where he has spent the last 13 years facilitating best practices and teaching updated regulations. He is married with two children and a St Bernard named Jose. Herb is a self-described compliance geek. When he isn’t studying safety reports and regulatory interpretations he enjoys racquetball and watching his favorite football team, the Dallas Cowboys.